South Korea

Country Project

South Korea


South Korea , officially the Republic of Korea and commonly referred to as Korea, is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula The name Korea is derived from the ancient Kingdom of Goguryeo, also known as Koryo. It shares land borders with North Korea to the north, and oversea borders with Japan to the east and China to the west. Roughly half of the country’s 51 million people reside in the Seoul Capital Area, the second largest city in the world with over 25 million residents. Capital: Seoul , South Korea
Language Spoken: Korean, English(Widely Taught)


The modern English name Korea is an exonym derived from the Goryeo period and is used by both North Korea and South Korea in international contexts.
In the Korean language, the two Koreas use different terms to refer to the nominally unified nation: Choson in
North Korea, and Hanguk in South Korea.


The history of South Korea formally begins with its establishment on 15 August 1948.
1948 to the establishment of two separate governments, each claiming to be the legitimate government of all of Korea.
Eventually, following the Korean War, the two separate governments stabilized into the existing political entities of
North and South Korea.

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Delaney Patch

Argyle Middle School